------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOTUS Worksheets #2 v1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123DOC BAS Will document the formulas in 123 123DOC DOC Documentation file for 123DOC 123DOC EXE Will document the formulas in 123 123MAIL TXT Tech notes on mail labels 123PREP DOC Documentation file for 123PREP 123PREP EXE Prepares data for file import to 12 123Q&A TXT Questions and answers from Lotus 123RANGE BAS Creates a table of range names/loca 123XIMAC TXT Tech notes of using the /XI macros ADDLABEL DOC Documentation file for ADDLABL@.WKS ADDLABL2 WKS Address label macros on WKS DATAFILL TXT Tech notes on using the /Data Fill FOR_NEXT WKS 123 template to use for-next loops LOOPMAC TXT Tech notes on using loops in macros LOT101 TXT Tech notes from Lotus LOT102 TXT Tech notes on memory use in 123 LOT103 TXT Tech notes on using @IF in 123 LOT105 TXT Lotus tech notes MACROLIB TXT Notes on making a library of macros MENU WKS 123 template to make menu macros PICFIL TXT Analysis of the .pic files (graphs) PHOTOEST DOC Documentation file for PHOTOEST.WKS PHOTOEST WKS Photo estimation worksheet RATIO WKS 123 template to do financial analys TEXTDEMO WKS Ex. of using text in @IF functions